Multivet Bark Collar Refill

multivet-citronella-collar-refillThis citronella refill is to be used with the Multivet Citronella Spray Anti Bark Collar. All you need to do is insert the canister into the collar and then you are back in business. Each canister should provide the collar with around 250-300 sprays, before another refill is needed.

How to use the Mulitvet Citronella Refill?

To refill the spray collar, all you need to do is hold the canister upside down and place the nozzle into the refill valve of the collar. This should be pressed in firmly for about ½ a minute. Once this is done, then the product can be used as normal.

Precautions need to be taken when using this product. When refilling, only use the Multivet citronella refill. Do not mix any other substances in it, as this could cause harm to the dog. It should be noted that the contents of the refill are under pressure and as a result of this, the canister should not be punctured or placed in a fire. The canister should not be stored somewhere where the temperature will get higher than 50 degrees (C). Keep out of direct sunlight and away from children.


The refills that are used in the citronella bark collar is made up of a gas mixture that is safe for pets, people and the environment. The gas in the canister is R134a, which is an ozone friendly gas. The gas is harmless.


  •          Each Multivet citronella refill is 70g (2.4 oz).
  •          Will give around 250-300 sprays
  •          Two different kinds, scented and scentless
  •          Safe ingredients: r134a gas and citronella oil

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